At this writing, Titan submersible still not found

The horrific news about the missing submersible and its failed attempt to find the Titanic wreck in the North Atlantic has hit me hard.

For eight years I researched details about HMS Titanic, its concept, creation, crew, passengers, and ultimate demise and have recorded that research in my forthcoming novel SHELTERING ANGEL.

I imagine the five passengers on the Titan submarine now understand the terror my husband’s great-grandfather experienced as stood on the slanting deck in his tuxedo watching fate inch toward him. Although his wife was helped into lifeboat number four, her grief at watching the greatest ship on earth mortally wounded and sinking with her husband still aboard must have been unfathomable. His body was never recovered, and I imagine the rusting Titanic is his tomb.

As best I can, I’ve told of the lives of Florence and Bradley Cumings and the steward who helped Florence survive. I hope you’ll order the book for its July 27 release, and I dearly hope the missing vessel is found before time runs out.


  1. Heather on June 21, 2023 at 6:49 pm

    Let us hope their angels will shelter them and let them be found in time.

  2. Jackie Joy on June 22, 2023 at 11:16 am

    This timing is unbelievable. May their angels guide them to peace.

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